Complete Monster
Radaghast Kary
← Galvan Magen
Gambol →
Pathfinder facts
CR: 9
XP: 6,400
Size: Medium
Magical Beast
Tags: aquatic
Initiative: +4
Senses: blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision
AC: 23, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural)
HP: 127 (15d10+45)
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +6
Speed: 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Melee: bite +19 (1d6+3 plus 2d6 electricity), 2 slams +19 (1d6+3 plus 2d6 electricity)
Space: 5 ft.
Reach: 5 ft. (10 ft. with slam)
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 8
Attacks: Base Atk +15; CMB +18; CMD 33 (can't be tripped)
Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Vital Strike, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Perception +10, Stealth +15, Swim +15
Languages: Aquan (can't speak)
Organization: solitary, pair, or tangle (3–9)
Treasure: none
Pathfinder sources
Bestiary 4
Pathfinder links
Galvo in Pathfinder 1 SRD