Complete Monster by Radaghast Kary


The aim of the project is to collect references to (and, whenever possible, data of) all the monsters ever published for any edition of Dungeons & Dragons or any of its variants, clones and retroclones. This work is massive and ongoing. So far we have collected 6698 monster entries (718 out of them illustrated with free images) with 76747 facts known about them (such as “CR of Tiamat is 30 in 5e” or “Barbazu is a Baatezu”), 5428 links (to online SRDs or the Wikipedia) and 9078 source references (to books). If you like to add or correct data, you are most welcome, otherwise, use the website to your heart’s content. All data here is either open gaming content or fair use. For complete descriptions and accurate depictions of monsters, please buy the books of their creators.