
is an Empyreal Lord



Pathfinder facts

  • CR: 26
  • XP: 2,457,600
  • Size: Large
  • Type: Outsider
  • Tags: agathion, extraplanar, good
  • Initiative: +22
  • Senses: blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, detect thoughts, low-light vision
  • AC: 45, touch 40, flat-footed 36 (+10 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 insight, +13 natural, –1 size, +6 sacred, +12 Wis); never flat-footed
  • HP: 528 (32d10+352); regeneration 10 (evil artifacts, effects, and spells)
  • Saves: Fort +21, Ref +30, Will +30
  • Speed: 90 ft., climb 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
  • Melee: unarmed strike +31/+36/+31/+26 (2d10+8) or +5 quarterstaff +44/+39/+34/+29 (1d8+13) or flurry of blows +38/+38/+33/+33/+28/+28/+23 (2d10+8)
  • Space: 10 ft.
  • Reach: 10 ft.
  • Abilities: Str 26, Dex 30, Con 33, Int 25, Wis 35, Cha 38
  • Attacks: Base Atk +32; CMB +41 (+43 disarm or grapple, +45 trip); CMD 84 (86 vs. disarm, grapple, or trip)
  • Feats: Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed StrikeB, Lunge, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (mirror image), Scorpion Style, Snatch Arrows, Spring Attack, Step Up, Stunning FistB, Weapon Finesse
  • Skills: Acrobatics +44 (+68 when jumping), Bluff +32, Climb +50, Diplomacy +45, Disguise +32, Escape Artist +26, Fly +8, Heal +27, Knowledge (arcana, geography, history, nature) +23, Knowledge (local) +22, Knowledge (planes, religion) +41, Perception +46, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +22, Stealth +40; Racial Modifiers +24 Acrobatics when jumping
  • Languages: Celestial, Infernal; speak with animals, truespeech
  • Organization: unique
  • Treasure: standard (+5 quarterstaff, other treasure)

Pathfinder sources


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